Setting Up Your Smoothie Bar
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A few years ago, I remember taking great pains to set up our home bar. I was doing PR with some restaurant clients at the time and, Portland being the foodie town that it is, I was inspired to create an impressive home bar.

Beautiful cocktail books were bought. Obscure bitters procured. Glassware polished. Specialty spirits stocked. Recipes scrutinized and adjusted.
In the end, my husband and I did assemble a pretty solid home bar, and it certainly comes in handy when people come over for dinner.

However, life has changed in recent years.

I’m now a nutritionist — so there’s that whole healthy living thing. And while I still enjoy the occasional cocktail, it’s no longer an every day indulgence. And I’m far more likely to be spending time concocting a smoothie or a salad recipe than I am a cocktail.

Which got me thinking… there’s a ton of information out there — not to mention furniture, barware, books and beverages — to help you set up your home bar.

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