What if You Re-tox Your Detox?
Category: Health & Fitness

I love talking to people right after they complete a detox.

After years — even decades — of an unhealthy lifestyle, detox alumni are so energetic and empowered.

Detoxers who have eliminated sugar, gluten, dairy and processed foods often tell me about how thrilled they are to see their bodies change. They tell me about reduced bloating, improved digestion, inches lost from the belly and thighs — and some impressive weight loss.

During a detox, they’ve learned how adequate sleep and exercise can provide extra energy, improved immune system function, and a sense of vitality.

Their skin clears up.

Their eyes look brighter.

They sleep more soundly.

Joint pain lessens or disappears.

They learn how to like — and even crave — vegetables.

After a couple weeks of clean living, these people are literally high on life.

And then…

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